Change The Template Of The Blog
- By sandeshacharya
- July 20, 2014
- No Comments
It’s quite easy to change the template of the blogger. You can change and place any template so that your blogger looks attractive and impressive.
Adding template of your choice will add tabs and links with other additional features.
Do follow the given steps sequentially and you will be able to change the template of your blogger.
Login to your Google account (if not logged in).
Step 2:
Go to
Step 3:
Build your own blog with the name you like it
Step 4:
Go to the blog which you wanted to change the template and click on it.
Step 5:
Go to the template on the left hand side of the blog and click on it
Step 6:
If you have designed your own template then you can upload it too.
If you don’t have own template then you can download the template for free.
Even you can search for the templates for free in search engines like, and others.
Step 7:
Click on the “Backup/Restore” tab
Step 8:
This will open a new window and click on “choose file” and upload the template file which you have downloaded (.xml file which is the html file).
Step 9:
After you upload the file it overwrites the previous template (default template by blogger) and gives you the view of new template.
Step 10:
Click the publish bottom.
You blog with new template is ready!!
You can design the new template in your own way by managing the borders and other tabs.
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